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Back pain gone and 44 lbs down

Back about 8 months ago I was told about Dr. Ray by my mother. She kept telling me that I needed to go see Dr. Ray. I hurt my back about 2 years ago on ice. I had no feeling in my right side and pain all the time. I could not walk very far, […]


Standing Up Straight

Hi, For the last 15-20 years I have been living with lower back pain. It started with a slight twinge and got to the point I could not stand up straight. When I walked I would have to swing from side to side. I was told everything from being diagnosed with arthritis and two slipped […]


Back To The Life You Love

For those who are suffering with some type of chronic health problem, whether it is pain, a disability, or illness, you understand it’s not just about how it makes your body feel that is the struggle. It’s the loss of living the dream you had envisioned for yourself and your family. When Sherry came to […]


Sharp Pain and Numbness Gone

Dear Ray Marshall, The following is an accurate account of the past four years of lower back pain; After an accident, my lower back was in constant pain. I would wake up in the morning and go to bed at night most frequently with tearful pain. After four years and my unwillingness to go to […]


Brainstem Care Dr to Upper Cervical Care Dr

Marshall Spinal Care, I have been in practice a year now and many patients have asked me my personal story of Chiropractic and Brainstem Care. I thought it was about time I wrote it down for not only my patients, but for the benefit of everyone else. I have been receiving chiropractic adjustments since I […]


Cure For The Hurt

Dear Marshall Spinal Care, I am writing to tell you how blessed and happy I am that I heard about Brainstem Care. One day I just happened to hear about it on a radio station. I heard a lady named Louella’s testimony. Needless to say I was interested. I had problems with constipation, plus upper […]

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