The Birth of Boyzx4 Solutions Co:
As the children of two Chiropractic physicians that focus on treatment of the brainstem and brothers of a boy with extensive cerebral palsy, the environment in which we grew up had a massive influence on the decisions we’re making and to launch Boyzx4 Solutions Co. LLC for our lives and for the future lives of all the people we will touch.
Both our parents worked, so throughout our childhood we were in the pediatric area of their office while they saw patients; we saw and played with kids that had conditions like torticollis, tourettes, cerebral palsy, autism, ADHD and many others. Being around these little people taught us that there are no throw-aways and there’s nobody too sick or hurt that they can’t be helped. Figuring that out at a young age inspired a passion in us to pursue the knowledge we could use to help and aid these people live better lives. We want to be able to help people in the best ways we can and when we saw what our parents were doing, having a direct hand in the recovery and healing of many people, we came to this conclusion; “We can help do something like that too!”
As mentioned, perhaps the biggest influence on our desire to pursue a medically oriented career was our experience of living with and helping take care of our older brother. He had a traumatic birth injury and was diagnosed with cerebral palsy. This severely hindered his motor function and growth. Because of his condition, our entire family had to pitch in to give him the best life possible, in spite of his diagnosis.
We helped feed him, changed his clothes, showered him and entertained him with videos, crafts and activities. It was somewhat similar to helping take care of an elderly disabled hospice patient. All of this we were happy to do (we would’ve given the world for our brother to not have to go through what he did if we could). At the same time, it cannot be understated the enormity of the undertaking it was for our family. There were countless hours of food to be prepared, supplies to be located and solutions to be found for each and every day; As an example, we couldn’t go to certain events in public that didn’t have adequate wheelchair access, we had to leave parties early to ensure that he was taken care of and not stressed, and we had to pack bags of soft food for him to eat whenever we traveled. We’ve all woken up many times during the night realizing our brother was having seizures and alerting our parents so we all work together to get him cared for, but, in spite of all the challenges, helping him live gave us purpose that lives on to this very day!
All this is to say that living with a disabled brother gave us some experiences that could not have been had anywhere else on the planet, ones that we would not trade for anything, as we believe they’ve shaped us into the persons we are today. Living with him taught us to be resilient, patient and to care for those around us above all else.
Since his passing in 2022, we’ve come to realize that we don’t want those lessons to go to waste, we want to help pay forward the experiences we’ve had to help improve the lives of others, and we believe the best way to do that would be to work in research, most likely, but not limited to the medical field.
From these experiences, Boyzx4 Solutions Co. was formed and is in the bedrock in the foundation of all the work we do every day to help further the search for answers to help those around us in need.